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2024 - 2030
How to best invest in the metals value chains needed for the Energy Transition ?

Founded in 2004, our advisory firm is dedicated to responsible investing. We believe that investing in companies that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility is not only ethical, but also financially sound.
Our team of experts is committed to helping our clients make informed investment decisions that align with their values.

Ethore SA is specializing in stocks and ESG data analysis. 
Certified in sustainable finance and specialist in company analyses, we are able to promote the sustainable development approach and facilitate the identification of key indicators to monitor the SDGs.

Ethore SA is also a company that is renowned for its ethics in advisory and its scientific and multidisciplinary approach in analyses.
We are familiar with the standards and directives GRI, CDP, SASB, UN SDG, OECD, TCFD, TNFD, PRI,

ESG-Risk-Impact focused, we provide a three dimensions investment advisory approach across critical metals value chains.



Analyzing Data

Our Story


Created in 2003 by Laurent Krull ethore SA (formerly LKConsult) has gained reputation in co-founding and promoting special niche funds, as well as providing investment advisory. 


30 years of international expertise in mineral projects, projects management and Investment advisory. 


Mandated as independent technical adviser and buy-side analyst for several investment funds focused on the mineral sector (Gold, PGM, Base Metals, Minor Metals and Rare Earth Elements).


Proven track record and success stories, thanks to a team work along the career, and to a worldwide geologists network.


Data and Knowledge management is completed by risk assessment software and GIS/ESG database.



Today, Ethore SA is engaged in an ethical and responsible approach in advising for sustainable and responsible investment.

Old Globe

Our Network

A network composed by geologists and geoscientists around the world.


Their inputs are very useful to better assess risks/impacts.

  • Europe (2)

  • West Africa (3)

  • Brazil (1)

  • Canada (2)

  • Australia (2)

  • Philippines (1)

Laurent Krull

  • LinkedIn

Founder and Managing Director, Consultant & Advisor  Sustainability Strategist


Certificate of Advanced Studied in Sustainable Finance (HEG)

Postgraduated in Project Management (HEG)​

MSc Senior Geologist (UNIL)


PRI service Provider signatory

Media Appearances

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